First Look: SRM Electronic Indoor Trainer

SRM, the specialist for Ergometer, IndoorTrainer and on-bike performance measurement presents the evolution of the SRM IndoorTrainer: the SRM IndoorTrainer Electronic. SRM has responded to the request of many customers to deliver the SRM Indoor Trainer with electronically controllable flywheel. In cooperation with the Italian company Gobat Magnetic Days brake has been developed which carries on the realistic riding experience of the previous flywheel, but can also be controlled electronically.

The brake can be connected via USB cable or Bluetooth LE 4.0 with your computer, or controlled via an App installed on the smartphone or tablet. Additionally, a handlebar remote is included to manually increase or decrease resistance in 10 watt increments or change magnetic brake position.
The braking performance of the flywheel is extremely adaptable to varying training demands. At a cadence of 40 rpm using a 53 tooth chainring a maximum braking power of 330 watts possible. At a cadence of 120 rpm using a 53 tooth chainring maximum braking power is 1.590 watts. By mounting larger chainrings, the braking performance can be further increased. In contrast, the minimum braking power is 30 watts. Professionals and amateurs alike can train on the same device.

The use of a freewheel combined with an magnetic brake results in a very realistic road feel, similar to what cyclists are used to when cycling on their road or mountain bike. There is no crank feedback at high cadence as is common with the fixed gear in a classic spinning bike.

The step-less adjustment of the seat position with length and height adjustable posts allows the SRM IndoorTrainer to fit people between 165 and 200 cm tall. By using the included marking scales each rider can quickly and easily find their seat position.

Further training benefits can be had by fitting an SRM TrainingSystem. It is possible to mount the SRM TrainingSystem in winter or inclement weather, and in summer use on the road bike. In this situation we recommend an SRM TrainingSystem with integrated axle for fast crank exchanges between IndoorTrainer and road bike.

The price for the SRM IndoorTrainer Electronic begins at 4,671 ? depending on equipment.

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