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North American Handmade Bicycle Show – Postponed

The world's best little bike show jumps to 2021

Just as we feared, after it was postponed from it’s  original date in March, the on-going threat of the Covid-19 pandemic has finally claimed the North American Handmade Bicycle Show for 2020. We just received this release from NAHBS founder Don Walker.  It is indeed a shame that our favorite bike show is getting bumped, but look forward to 2021 – and hopefully seeing you there.

NAHBS 2019

Press Release

As you’re well aware, we originally rescheduled NAHBS 2020 from March 15-17 to August 21-23, a change I felt optimistic about. During the past months, I’ve been watching intently how the COVID-19 pandemic is playing out. And I’ve continued to be in close contact with a sampling of exhibitors, sponsors, trade show consultants, show staff, and our contacts at the Convention Center in Dallas.
While Texas is currently in Phase 3 of its “reopening” plan, COVID-19 cases in Dallas are still on the rise. And unfortunately, the Governor hasn’t made any plan to allow large groups and events to take place. With NAHBS scheduled to take place in less than three months – and based on what we currently know and predictions for the summer — we’re making the difficult decision to cancel NAHBS 2020 and focus our efforts on 2021. 
“Based on the many exhibitors I’ve spoken to, no one wants to be in a large crowd, primarily indoors, this summer. I’ve received similar feedback from the local cycling community in TX. I’m certain that even if we held the show this August, attendance would be extremely low — which none of us want. Throw in the current difficulties of international travel and limited domestic travel, and the challenges of putting on a successful show this summer are insurmountable. 
“After much consideration and in talking closely with many exhibitors and partners about potential venues and dates for next year’s show, we took note. NAHBS 2021 will be held in the third quarter, and we’re considering other cities for the show.

“Why Q3? Being in the 3rd quarter has huge advantages, the highlights being: 1) It offers a better opportunity for more frame builders to exhibit because they aren’t under the gun for spring deliveries; and 2) It puts us in the old Interbike timeframe that many of us had become accustomed to, during a time when there are no other shows domestically in the USA.”

As of now, here are the options we’re considering:
Chicago, IL //  Sep 9 – 12 2021
Hartford, CT  //  Sep 29 – Oct 3, 2021
Dallas, TX //  Sep 16 – 19, 2021
Indianapolis, IN // (awaiting dates)

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